
Panama Canal Contributed to the Maritime Industry’s Reduction of 16 Million Tons of CO2 in 2021

Source: Panama Canal The Panama Canal contributed to the reduction of 16 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent emissions in 2021

CCIAP trabaja por un sector agropecuario y agroindustrial fortalecido y unido

Fuente: CCIAP La Cámara de Comercio, Industrias y Agricultura de Panamá (CCIAP) cuenta dentro de su membresía con importantes empresas,

ALTA da la bienvenida a una nueva aerolínea: Servicios Aéreos Nacionales S.A.

Source: ALTA La Asociación Latinoamericana y del Caribe del Transporte Aéreo (ALTA) se complace en anunciar la entrada de SANSA (Servici

Hapag-Lloyd: Here’s an update on the trucking service for Guatemala

Source: Hapag-Lloyd The increase in demand for bonded inland services and the current road blockages in Guatemala are causing delays in ou

Una ley obsoleta y la falta de colaboración complican el control de derrames de hidrocarburos

La Autoridad Marítima de Panamá (AMP) y la Autoridad del Canal de Panamá (ACP) elaboran el Plan Nacional de Contingencias por Derrames

APM Terminals accelerates real-time data availability

Source: APM Terminals As container terminals deal with a surge in container volumes and increased dwell times, access to real-time data is

Keeping key maritime trade routes safe in South Atlantic and Indian Oceans

Source: INTLREG Keeping key maritime trade routes safe is critical to ensuring economic development and prosperity of the Global South. Th