
Airports and Airlines call for all intra-EU COVID Travel Restrictions to be dropped

Source: IATA ACI EUROPE (Airports Council International) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) called for all remaining C

Impact of Russia-Ukraine conflict on port of Rotterdam

Source: Port of Rotterdam The conflict in Ukraine has prompted the European Union and other bodies to impose a number of sanctions on Russ

El Port de Barcelona actualiza las tarifas del servicio portuario de practicaje

Fuente: Port de Barcelona Esta revisión, incluida en el Pliego de Prescripciones Particulares del servicio de practicaje, supone un incre

BID Invest participa como inversionista ancla en el mayor Bono Social de infraestructura en Latinoamérica y el Caribe

Fuente: BID Invest BID Invest ha actuado como inversionista ancla de un bono social global, con una inversión de US$135 millones equivale

CLIA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Recognizes Cruise Achievement

Source: CLIA The decision by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to lower the Travel Health Notice threat level for cruis

A.P. Moller – Maersk reports record earnings for 2021 and guides for a strong 2022

Source: MAERSK A.P. Moller – Maersk delivers record earnings for 2021, which was an exceptional year with focus on mitigating supply

Cartagena, Santa Marta y Barranquilla, los puertos con mayor tráfico marítimo internacional

Fuente: DIMAR Con el 2022 inició un año de retos y oportunidades para los colombianos, quienes día a día fortalecen los sectores produ

Port of Longbeach: “Container” dwell start postponed

Source: Port of Longbeach The two San Pedro Bay ports – Long Beach and Los Angeles – announced today that they will wait until Feb. 11

IATA: Time to End US Pre-Departure Testing for Fully Vaccinated Travelers

Source: IATA The International Air Transport Association (IATA), in partnership with Airlines for America (A4A) and 28 US and internationa

El Valencia Containerised Freight Index (VCFI) empieza el año con una subida del 4,9%

Fuente: Valenciaport El Valencia Containerised Freight Index (VCFI), el indicador que mide la tendencia y evolución de costes del tran